Discover the MISSING LINK in MSK Management

PostureCare gives you a complete picture of how to manage a patient’s musculoskeletal condition.

TOTAL 360°

Physical Therapy Posture Assessments 

PostureCare is the only posture assessment tool that can measure posture changes in the Z-Plane.


3D Posture Assessments

Only PostureCare is able to assess posture in all three anatomical planes. 

Bilateral Weight Scales

Weigh right and left sided weight distribution with integrated digital scales.

Accurate Measurements

Measure posture deviations to within .1″ and bilateral weight changes to within 2 lbs.



You have one chance to make a good first impression.  Don’t risk it by using other posture assessment tools that require pictures of patients half naked.

No Awkward Photos

PostureCare captures measurements of laser lines on a grid instead of awkward and surprising patient photos.

No Skin Tight Clothing

Assess posture without patients disrobing or wearing skin tight clothing.  Physical therapy posture assessments are done by aligning lasers over both visual and palpated anatomical landmarks.

No Body Markers

Instead of placing reflective body markers, laser lines are positioned over the body to represent reference points.


With PostureCare

Be Unique

While other providers are chasing after symptoms, PostureCare addresses the cause by accurately measuring changes in posture.  Show patients a better way to fix their MSK conditions.

Be the Expert

Don’t just tell patients what their problem is: show them.  Providing evidence that explain the connection between symptoms and poor posture gives patients more confidence in a providers care.

physical therapy posture assessment

Be Better

Comprehensive posture reports makes it more efficient to manage conditions related to structural health.  Better information also means more accurate prognoses in treatment expectations.

Be Profitable

Enjoy more professional referrals with a better way of showing results.  Patients will brag about the information they receive from their posture exams.  Together, PostureCare helps any provider be go-to professional for musculoskeletal related conditions.



You worked hard to get where you are.  Let us help you on your next chapter.


New grad discounts

For those who have graduated within the first year of practice, PostureCare can offer a 5% discount.

2-Year Warrantee

Your 2-Year PostureCare warrantee begins after you receive your device, according to policy terms & conditions.

Special financing

Get interest-free financing for 1 year with any purchase of PostureCare Professional package.  Call for details.

Our Trusted


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